After a long drive and short night in Kentucky, I stopped at an Indiana Welcome Center. The buildings here speak of modern commerce and industry – not nearly as romantic.
My last photo stop was in East Grand Rapids where I spent the night with my son and his family to wait out the cold and rain before setting up the trailer in Montague. This isn't his house, but it is his neighborhood. I took the photo to show the difference in springtime vegetation from the deep south to the high north.
In Louisiana and Texas the trees are in full leaf and people routinely wander around in shorts and t-shirts. In Michigan some trees have begun to flower and leaves are opening, but many others are still in the tightly closed bud stage.
When I left Texas Wednesday morning before sunrise it was 79° F. with promise of another beautiful sunny day. Friday afternoon, Michigan greeted me with 46° and a cold misting rain.
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