Sunday, June 24, 2012

Still Life - Apricots & Grapes

This was shot in the shadow of our trailer at about 3:00 P.M. today.  If you look carefully, you will see my reflection in the grapes as well as tree tops in another.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Lake Michigan This Afternoon

Five to six foot waves breaking over the south sea wall at the White Lake Channel.

Yesterday at the Laundry

Boy and Machines
Little Sister Models

No matter where I am, there is something interesting to photograph.  When I was about the age of the boy in the top photo, I went with my mother to a laundry-mat in Deming, New Mexico.  My arm got caught in a washing machine ringer (you have to be familiar with the time to know what that is); Mom rushed over, hit the release lever and saved me.  Nonetheless, it was a trauma burned into my memory forevermore.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Bicycle Repairman

My bike has an annoying click whenever I'm pedaling.  After greasing all the bearings, adjusting the derailleur, and replacing the pedals, to no affect, he advised me to turn up the radio.  No charge for the advice.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Bird of a Brown Feather

Rarely do we get pigeons in the park, even more  rare is this brown pigeon.  The bird has been hanging around for about two weeks now.  It seems nearly tame, at least very comfortable with people.

If anyone has any information about brown pigeons, please let me know.  I haven't seen much on the Internet and most of the people who have posted were as surprised as I am to be able to get so close to a wild bird - or is it really wild?

Monday, June 11, 2012

Wandering Around in the Early Morning

 What idiots get up and go walking at this time of day?  I wasn't really walking, just shuffling along, numbly wondering why one foot kept stepping out in front of the other.

At a break in the tree line there was this gorgeous pattern and coloring in the clouds above the marsh.  Seeing the way the light set apart the cattails and grazed the grape leaves made the venture outdoors worthwhile.

Down at the fishing bridge when the sun was a couple degrees higher, the sky colors reflected off the river in a glorious display and I was the only one to see it - it was all just for me.  But I'm sharing; you can thank me later - sometime after my nap.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Nap Time

Beside the Montague/Hart Bicycle Trail, this gentleman found a nice place for a nap on a warm Sunday afternoon.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Last Night's Fire

On a wind-blown day, late in the afternoon, when sand grains were marching ferociously across the Lake Michigan beach, I came upon this small pile of stacked and charred driftwood.

It was too small to have supported a wild and crazy party, too small for up-to-no-good hoodlums, certainly not boy scouts practicing their campfire skills.

No, this was a fire of romance, burning when the breeze was soft; water lapping gently on the mocha colored sand, but who built it?  Did they come to the beach to share a bottle of wine and watch the moon set over the big lake?  Perhaps just to sit and listen to the gentle night.  Did they come to re-live an old memory?  Young lovers?  Old lovers? 

They didn't stay long enough for the fire to have burned itself out; left no evidence of themselves.  Small.  Quick.  Hurried.  The curious remains, the meaning of the night, the flicker of small flames - lost to all but the drifting sand and the memory of those who came to share precious secrets on the beach.